domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2015

COP 21,20,19...0

James Hansen, former Nasa scientist and one of the most famous investigator global awareness of climate change, claimed against the useless decissions were taken in Paris during December 2015. The article, by The Guardian can be readen here:

Mr. Hansen called these talks a fraud. I couldn´t agree more. I don´t trust them, and I do not believe in their intentions. Private interests were the winners these last weeks. How could we try to define future carbon limits if we are not able to control what we have already done? How are we going to stop the "global warming" if the the consequences are not going to be affectng the social life directly? How can not be reliable to pay fines? How can we measure our self destruction if it is not by money?

As it can be readen in the article above, a really dark future is painted by Hansen and his colleges, mainly in coastal areas due to the ice melting in North Atlantic Areas. Is the 2 degree limit enough? This limit is another clue of what this meetings are about, how we just care about our self, how the earth dynamic and the nature are being slighted due to our economical interests. Hansen is saying the true, is describing the reallity of what´s going on between different nations. No decissions where taken. Just a nice photo with ugly politicians. Just promises. No actions.

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