jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

The hunger games

The Fracking activity is becoming a reallity in Europe and almost all the EU countries will be accepting it, sooner than late, probably by the end of 2016. Society do care about the environment, that´s why many protest are going on in every country, but as normally happens, coins are above words. Many times have been said by different polititians and other "important" people that a change of minds have to be done in order to save the plantet, to avoid climate change, and their most clever decission have been to support the drilling of every single part of the contintent. Fracking is NOT healthy solution. Is a purely economical solution. A solution taken by these big private or national bussinesses, that have to earn billions per year in order to rise the economy of these "really green" nation, ie the European Union. They do run out of time, out of oil, out of ideas. Their solution in order to get easy and fast money is to drill every resource that could be available, does not matter how, does not matter where. It doesn´t matter if it is a natural park, if driking water is passing throught, if a farmer family is living at. Bills are stronger than everything, even the respect to the society. Change in our minds is needed, change in our politicians, change in our habbits. But mainly a change in our preferences.


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